Financial Policy

We do accept payment from all major government and private insurance companies. For patient portion payments we do accept Visa, MasterCard, Debit, and Cash. We do not accept personal cheques.

Dental Insurance

For your convenience, our staff will complete the dental section of the insurance claim form and submit to your insurance for your reimbursement.
For dental surgeries we will submit the predetermination to your insurance company and you will be responsible for paying the copay prior to the surgery.
Please be aware that the dental benefits or insurance are a contract between you and your insurance company. Due to the privacy act, our office can not access any details regarding your coverage. We cannot influence the amount that your insurance will cover. Your insurance benefits are determined by your policy and carrier. Our goal is to provide diagnosis and treatment according to each patient’s particular needs.
Please remember that the financial obligation for treatment is between you and our office. The third party payer is responsible to you and not our office.
We would be happy to assist you understanding your insurance handbook or any questions you may have.

Late or Missed Appointments

Your scheduled appointment is reserved specifically for your child. Any change in this appointment greatly affects other patients. If a cancellation is unavoidable, please call the office at least 24 hours in advance so that we may give this time to another patient. Our office will gladly provide you and your child with work and school excuses when you are in our office.

• Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. This will allow time to complete any additional paperwork and enable us to see your child on time.

• We strive to see all patients on time for their scheduled appointment. There are times when our schedule is delayed in order to accommodate an injured child or an emergency. Please accept our apology in advance should this occur during your appointment. We will do exactly the same for your child should they need emergency treatment.

• If you arrive 15 or more minutes late for your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule for the next appointment time.
• Missed appointments affect many people. If two (2) broken/missed appointments occur or two (2) cancellations without 24 hours notice occur, our office reserves the right to NOT schedule any subsequent appointments for your child.
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