At Childrens Dental Centre, we strive to make the dental visit a positive experience for your child.
We love kids and we understand that a dental visit can be overwhelming. We provide exceptional dental care in a comfortable and kid-friendly environment. We’ve filled our offices with fun touches like ipad station in our waiting area and ceiling TVs in our treatment room! We deliver fun, not fear!
Our philosophy is grounded in the idea that every child is different! Depending on your child comfort level, we will introduce them to different aspects of the pediatric dental setting as they are ready.
An infant or toddler’s first dental visit often is treated as a short icebreaker. It is very important to establish a safe dental home. Taking the time to do this will make all your subsequent visits less stressful for your child. We will discuss important information regarding diet, hygiene, brushing, and fluoride toothpaste. Our staff will walk you through every step of your first visit to make this as easy and comfortable as it can possibly be for you and your child!
For older children we understand that fear of unknown is usually the biggest fear of children when it comes to dentist visit! We will take our time to introduce your child to the dental instruments and setting. If possible, we will take required x-rays and clean your child’s teeth.
Our mission is to take the stress out of every visit. We allow parents to sit with their child and watch the appointment. Sometimes having mom or dad nearby can be a great help to make the dental visit more comfortable. This will also allow us to go over home instructions and give you helpful tips on how to better care for your child beautiful smile!
For the safety and privacy of all patients, other children who are not being treated should remain in the reception room with a supervising adult.
There is very little risk in dental X-rays. Pediatric dentists are especially careful to limit the amount of radiation to which children are exposed. Lead aprons and high-speed film are used to ensure safety and minimize the amount of radiation.